This is a question nearly all business owners and managers of properties or assets are found asking themselves. Usually, the answer is yes. That’s because, for the reasonably low cost to install a high-quality alarm system, you can have a security solution that will deliver many years of peace of mind that your site, assets, and personnel are well protected.
When people think of an alarm system, they generally consider its usage to be limited to the above. However, many of the alarm systems we use and recommend offer many more useful features which can produce an even more secure site, increase efficiency, monitor equipment and hardware, complete automation and provide or integrate with access control systems and larger security frameworks.
Increasing Efficiency
Increasing the efficiency of our personnel and operational processes is something on top of every business owner and manager's mind and can become a difficult task to manage and maintain. With the integration of Access Control either build into the alarm system or as an add-on feature, your system can now be used for staff and visitor management. This can be used for things such as staff timeclock on and off, as well as controlling access throughout the site for security and to monitor processes or efficiency. This, in conjunction with automation in the system programming, we can create automated workflows greatly reducing the time for the progression of tasks.
Monitoring Equipment and Hardware
Many businesses have expensive equipment, machinery and stock stored and used at their site. Some of this machinery or stock need to have things such as water levels and temperatures checked frequently and monitored to ensure they remain within a specific range. Just about any type of sensor you can think of can be monitored via your alarm system alerting you that the specified thresholds have been exceeded or an event has taken place.
Automation & Access Control
As mentioned earlier in this article, some of the Alarm Systems we use and recommend to our customers either have Access Control features built-in or have Add-On modules which allow for Access Control. With these systems, you can create automation and controls to suit many different scenarios or events in which you’d like a specific action to occur when an event, threshold, or series of events and/ or thresholds are exceeded. These could be things such as when your Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) camera identifies a specific staff member's vehicle arriving at the site, the entry gates open and the external PIR Motion Detectors are disarmed. Or maybe, when you arrive at the site and swipe your access card to enter the building first thing in the morning, you’d like all the lights to come on and your office door unlocks, any features like this can easily be integrated and automation created.
The level of security achievable with today’s alarm systems is almost limitless and continues to grow with new integrations becoming available for different software and systems, you can achieve a system that meets the toughest security requirements and pays for itself when utilised correctly.